
Industrial Visit

Learning outcomes

Industrial visits can help students learn about a subject area through practical experience. They can also help students develop skills like communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.


  • Interaction with industry experts : Students can meet industry leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, and policymakers. They can learn from their wisdom, experiences, and learning.
  • Networking : Industrial visits can help students build relationships with companies and increase their networking opportunities. These relationships can help students in the future when looking for jobs.
  • Practical experience : Students can see and experience real workstations, plants, machines, systems, and assembly lines
  • Management lessons : Students can learn about management concepts like Lean manufacturing and Just in Time and how they are put into practice
Sr. No. Name of Company Course
1. Parle Company B.Tech
2. Yakult Company B.Tech
3. State Level Training Engineering
4. Parle Company BCA and Diploma
5. Polymedicure LTd. Pharmacy
Parle Company, B.Tech
Yakult Company, B.Tech
State Level Training, Engineering
Parle Company, BCA and Diploma
Polymedicure LTd., Pharmacy