
Smart Class

Classroom and Digital Resources

BM Group of Institutions possess well-furnished and state of the art equipped classrooms. Spacious, well- furnished and lecture halls provide the most conducive environment for dynamic and focused discussions.


It may be mentioned that there is a great demand of language proficient candidates in various industries e.g., Call Centre Industries and BPO’s. These companies hire special trainers for the purpose of such trainings spending a lot of money. As an offshoot of this a tie-up with such companies could be worked out to generate revenue. Similarly those students who aspire for further studies abroad and have to appear for GMAT, GRE, TOEFL etc., could also be taught to become proficient in linguafranca. A Language Laboratory in the Institute has been set up. Possibility of setting up a Digital Class Room along with it is being explored. Since we already have the set-up of Digital Library, it is very appropriate to have a three-in-one activity to club the new activity of Digital Class Room with the Language Laboratory and Digital Library. This clubbing activity would make the project economically viable, and would also allow the optimum utility of resources, an attractive proposition among students.

BM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS has tied up with HCL Infosystems Ltd. for their digital classroom solutions which has studying more interactive with intractive white boards from Hitachi.

Classroom and Digital Resources
Classroom and Digital Resources