Major Equipments: Data Communication Trainer, LAN Trainer Optical Trainer Kit and 5 Computers
Advance controller network trainer. PDLA Software, ISDN training system, CDMA trainer etc. CRO, DSO.
Major Equipment
Trainer Kits
Brad Boards
Power Supply
Major Equipment: 8085, 8086 and Microcontroller Intel 8051. Kiel software, Universal IC burner
Major Equipment Microwave Test Benches Gunn Oscillator, Klystron Oscillator CADFEKO tool 10 Computers
This lab has kits for performing all the electrical circuit experiments to verify various network theorems. It also has various electrical generators and transformers.
In this lab, we have the equipment, instruments, integrated circuit chips(ICs) and all other components to perform experiments based on both electrical and digital electronics.
Both AC and DC electrical machines and transformers are installed in this lab to perform all the required experiments on electrical machines.
This lab has both 8085, 8086 and various other microcontrollers chip in sufficient numbers and various interfacing devices like 8253, 8255, ADC and DAC reader card, EPROM program and EPROM eraser.
This laboratory mainly focuses on research in the areas of variable speed drive and generating systems, including optimal design of electric machines using finite element method, power electronics device characterization and power circuit synthesis, analysis and application, on-line digital signal processor application to variable speed systems, and advanced control theory application to variable speed systems.